DIY Gallery
I have seen many Nixie clocks, and taken inspiration from other people's ideas and designs. It is interesting and also useful to see what other people come up with, to help you make your own clocks, and see how others use Nixie tubes and other display devices - Panaplex - Crt - VFD, it doesn't just have to be Neon. It is very much within the hobbyist realm and this page is for sharing and swapping notes! There are some exceptionally creative folks out there and should rightly have their creations on display!
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Very nicely made clock using the ZM1000 Nixie tubes - submitted by Damir from Slovenia
Submitted by: Damir
Scrap clock, using bits and pieces from the scrap box for decorations. The hours and minutes on this clock are Burroughs nixies, but the seconds are Beckman SP 352, Panaplex type.
Submitted by: Jannie
Amazingly made Micrometer clock called "Measure of Time" - seen here: - submitted by Jan, from the UK.
Submitted by: Jan
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