London Science Museum
Sometime in May 2019 I was contacted by the Science Museum, and they asked if I would like to attend one of their 'Lates' events, where they open up the Museum from 18:00 to 22:00 and it happens the last Wednesday of every month. They have various themes, and the one they wanted us to be a part of, was all about cryptography and codes - hence the Bombe.
So we drove down to London on the 25th September, and they had given us a space in the Information Technology gallery on the 1st floor. I must admit I was in my element! lots of interesting and historic stuff - right there in front of me, had a good old nose round too before they opened the doors!
Before long the gallery started to fill with people, and I must admit there was a lot of interest in the Bombe, but more so for the Nixie tubes on the top. So many people have never seen or heard of a Nixie tube, so they found them mesmorising when they got to see them working. It was a very busy evening and before I knew it, it had gone 22:00 and time to pack up! It was also very nice to see and meet folk there that have seen us on social media, and also to see some old friends :)
I'm hoping next year there is another event, and we get invited back and can show off some more Nixie lovliness!
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